The film revolves within the framework of romantic comedy, which embodies the personal Ahmed Ezz young man with multiple relationships and refuses to...
365 Days of Happiness
Ramzi is a principled musician who lives in his inlaws house. He plays the piano in a resort to make a living. When his sister in law, who hates...
The film depicts different group of characters who are held up by a traffic sign. A romantic love story grows between Re'u (Mohamed Fuad), the...
Traffic Light
A hooker decides to repent after she gets married and gives birth, but when she discovers that her husband is an addict, she convinces two of her...
Dilapidated Woman
Salma gets involved in an ethical case during her studies at the university. Years later, she meets Eng. Magdy and they get engaged, but Magdy's...
The Convicts
The story revolves around a quarrel between three young men (Abdulrahman, Adel and Kamal) who were running over a girl walking in the street and...
Nahr Al Khoof
The story deals with the story of the widow (Huda), who suffers from problems with her husband's brother who wants to take over her inheritance and...
Eghtyal Modarresa