After graduation, a young woman gets his first job in the women's prison in the province. The story follows her struggle to survive in a small town...
Women in Prison
A comedy about two petty criminals Mungos and Tetreb who decide to rob a cafe full of valuable things for New Year's Eve. Robbery goes wrong and they...
It's Not All What It Looks Like
Prle and Tihi, being the only surviving members of their resistance group, had been forced to leave Nazi-occupied Belgrade and join Partisans in...
The Written Off Return
The play follows the staff in a cafe's kitchen during the course of a busy morning.
The Kitchen
The story of political prisoners, detained in a jail before the start of the WWII, and their torture and attempts to escape, and join a partisan unit.
Arrive Before Daybreak
Experienced crane driver helps a village boy to get along in the big city.
Do You Know Pavle Pleso?