Evan Hansen, a high schooler with social anxiety, unintentionally gets caught up in a lie after the family of a classmate who committed suicide...
Dear Evan Hansen
An older sister takes her fearless runaway sibling on a road trip, to share the most chilling tales surrounding their hometown.
Documentary produced by Laverne Cox. The hour-long documentary follows the lives of seven transgender youths. They hail from New York, New Orleans...
The T Word
Aspiring artists gather to celebrate a human sacrificing winter solstice holiday, to make their dreams come true.
A killer on the loose targets a group of teenagers on spring break.
Three best friends are robbed of their unique invention the day before an important tech competition. They must work as a team to stop their...
An eclectic foursome of aspiring teenage witches get more than they bargained for as they lean into their newfound powers.
The Craft: Legacy