A mysterious woman returns to her mountain village home to confront her painful past. As she tries to uncover the long-buried truth, the local...
Helena, is about to give birth and face a rosy future in a modern city, as the pregnant wife of an important factory manager. However, all her...
We Have Never Been Modern
Tragicomic family film about the world of children heroes - particularly the son of a local communist officer and his friend, a little hostage of the...
An original story told by Uncle Igor, a son of Russian aristocrats, and his nine year old grandson Tonda. A powerful story of complicated times...
The End of the World
The principal of an elementary school calls a special parents meeting after it’s alleged that the seemingly empathetic and kindly-looking...
The Teacher
Milan, a Slovak working in Germany as a bricklayer, returns home to celebrate Christmas with his wife and three children, one of whom appears to be...
Let There Be Light
In the 1980s, a single mother who fled communist Czechoslovakia has to return to her homeland in order to pay an old debt. The risky trip is upset by...